Bo Becker - MBA Teacher of the Year!
04 October 2017
Professor Bo Becker has been elected Teacher of the Year by the graduating class of MBA students (the SSE MBA 2016 cohort).
EQT – New Capital Partner in SSE’s Corporate Partnership Program
03 October 2017
We are happy to announce that the private equity company EQT has decided to upgrade its partnership from Partner to Capital Partner.
Historic free trade agreement between the EU and Japan Presented at the Stockholm School of Economics
02 October 2017
After many years of negotiations, the EU and Japan have now, in principle, reached an agreement on economic partnership and free trade. EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström presented the agreement when the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) at the Stockholm School of Economics celebrated its 25th anniversary.
Journal Article
01 October 2017
Sölvell, I. (2017), Managers’ silent whisper. Innovation involvement and role-modelling in service firms, European Journal of Innovation Management.
Ingela Sölvell visits Montreal
01 October 2017
Ingela Sölvell visits CIRST (Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie) Université du Québec a Montréal in October to conduct researh and presents her work on leadership in collaborative contexts.
"walking the talk?" in the media
29 September 2017
Here are some media articles about Misum´s "Walking the talk?" report.
6 out of 10 startups co-founded by SSE alumni
29 September 2017
Wired Magazine lists Stockholm's hottest startups and 6 out of 10 are co-founded by SSE alumni.
Historiskt frihandelsavtal mellan EU och Japan presenteras på Handelshögskolan
28 September 2017
EU och Japan har efter många år av förhandlingar nu i princip kommit överens om ett avtal om ekonomiskt partnerskap och frihandel. EU-kommissionär Cecilia Malmström presenterar avtalet när The European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm firar sitt 25-årsjubileum.
Misum report: More talking than walking when it comes to sustainability in Sweden´s largest listed companies
27 September 2017
Only seven out of the 88 biggest listed companies at the Stockholm stock exchange have sustainability goals beyond 2020, according to the new "Walking the Talk?" report that is launched today by Misum at the Stockholm School of Economics.
SSE and KTH students win Re:invent & Re:make Hackathon
27 September 2017
The Re:invent & Re:make Hackathon Stockholm gathered about 30 participants who worked for two days to develop new solutions for increased reuse of interior products.