Misum´s Emma Sjöström appointed expert on green bonds by Swedish government
24 August 2017
Emma Sjöström, research manager for the Misum research platform Sustainable Finance, has been appointed expert to the Swedish government's inquiry to promote the market for green bonds.
The most satisfied students in Sweden are at the Stockholm School of Economics
21 August 2017
The Stockholm School of Economics has the most satisfied students in Sweden and the most extensive focus on student employability. This is according to Universum’s annual survey FöretagsBarometern for 2017.
Misums Erik Wetter gäst i CSR Swedens podd "vems agenda?"
21 August 2017
Lyssna på Misums Erik Wetter som i podden "Vems agenda?" (om de globala hållbarhetsmålen Agenda 2030) diskuterar sitt projekt Flowminder och det nionde av de globala målen: Hållbar industri, innovationer och infrastruktur.
New HR Director at SSE
14 August 2017
Charlotte Celsing will start as the new HR Director on November 7th. Charlotte comes from Sveriges Television (SVT).
Ny rapport: om konsumenters möjlighet att välja hållbara investeringar
14 August 2017
Rapporten, som bland annat efterlyser trovärdiga miljömärkningar av fonder för att underlätta för konsumenter, är författad av forskarna Jonas Nilsson och Joakim Sandberg (affilierad till Misum).
SSE recognised for PRME report at UN Headquarters in New York
01 August 2017
Stockholm School of Economics received a recognition for excellence in Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) reporting. This was announced during a high-level gathering of United Nations officials, academic deans, business executives, faculty, students, and other stakeholders.
Women in Top Incomes: Evidence from Sweden 1974–2013
01 August 2017
by Jesper Roine (with Anne Boschini and Kristin Gunnarsson), IZA Discussion Paper
Center for Sports and Business börjar samarbeta med Svenska Skidförbundet
18 July 2017
Svenska skidförbundet inleder ett samarbete med Handelshögskolan i Stockholm för att på så sätt göra arbetet inom organisationen mer effektivt och ekonomiskt hållbart.
The Axel Johnson Group supports the Stockholm School of Economics’ initiative in in-depth learning
07 July 2017
Thanks to a close partnership and a donation of SEK 50 million from the Axel Johnson Group, the Stockholm School of Economics will be launching the Antonia Ax:son Johnson Tutorial Program, the largest ever initiative in education and personal development in the history of the Stockholm School of Economics. The donation is the only one of its kind in Sweden, where most public and private funding is usually spent on research and not education.
Unique donation from The Axel Johnson Group to support in-depth learning
07 July 2017
Thanks to a close partnership and a donation of SEK 50 million from the Axel Johnson Group, we will be launching the Antonia Ax:son Johnson Tutorial Program, the largest ever initiative in education and personal development in the history of our school. The donation is the only one of its kind in Sweden, where most public and private funding is usually spent on research and not education.