25 April 2017
SSE Art Initiative is proud to present the unveiling of a new permanent video installation by Lina Selander and Oscar Mangione at the Stockholm School of Economics library. Lina Selander is one of the most renowned contemporary Swedish artists and in her new work she continues her experimental investigations into psychosocial history, value systems and memory. The installation is made in collaboration with Oscar Mangione and curated by Isak Nilson of Art Initiative.
Interview with Sara Rosengren in DI
24 April 2017
Read the interview with Sara Rosengren published in DI Weekend.
19 April 2017
Students enrolled in the MSc Business & Management Program at SSE learn skills of influence and persuasion as they raise funds for a non-profit organization.
We support March for Science
19 April 2017
We support March for Science. In a time when fact resistance, alternative facts and fake news are high on the public agenda, we want to promote source criticism, critical thinking and a scientific approach.
"How Wall Street Once Killed the U.S. Solar Industry"
18 April 2017
Misum´s Max Jerneck is interviewed in The Atlantic about his new paper on how financialization harms the climate. The paper was published March 29 in Science Advances.
P-piller har negativ effekt på kvinnors livskvalitet
18 April 2017
Det vanligaste p-pillret i Sverige påverkar kvinnors livskvalitet negativt men ökar inte de depressiva symtomen. Det visar en stor studie vid Karolinska Institutet i samarbete med Handelshögskolan i Stockholm som publiceras i den vetenskapliga tidskriften Fertility and Sterility.
SSE President’s comments on the Stockholm attack
10 April 2017
Last Friday we witnessed first hand that no place is safe. A few blocks from the Stockholm School of Economics, terror, once again, showed its ugly face.
My thoughts go out to the victims and their families during these difficult times.
New Misum research for UN on gender data
05 April 2017
NEW PAPER PUBLISHED: Misum researcher Erik Wetter is part of the Flowminder team commissioned by the UN Foundation to develop and evaluate new geospatial data sources and computational methods. This academic work is published separately as "Exploring the high-resolution mapping of gender disaggregated development indicators" in the peer-reviewed interdisciplinary Journal of the Royal Society Interface.
Pricing and Capacity Provision in Electricity Markets: An Experimental Study
05 April 2017
by Chloé Le Coq (with Henrik Orzen and Sebastian Schwenen), published in the Journal of Regulatory Economics
True meritocracy leads away from contempt of the elite
03 April 2017