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HOI research | Are politically-selected research and development projects always inferior?

21 April 2022
Earmarked projects receive lower peer-review scores than non-earmarked projects, but do not consistently underperform in terms of tangible outputs like patents and publications. This, according to new research from the Stockholm School of Economics, the WHO Otto Beisheim School of Management, and the University of Groningen.

Retail Safari at Systembolaget

20 April 2022
Systembolaget's Retail Club had a workshop about different offers, store concepts, and retail formats.

Scores Jubileumsseminarier 2022: "Att leda komplexa uppdrag"

20 April 2022
År 2022 firar Score 30 år med en serie bokseminarier. Torsdag 12 maj kl. 15.00 presenterar Susanna Alexius boken Att leda komplexa uppdrag. Karin Berglund, professor vid Stockholm Business School, är kommentator. Efter seminariet, som slutar runt 16.30, bjuder Score på förfriskningar och musik!

Support the future of Ukraine

14 April 2022
The world is darkened by Russia´s terrifying, inhumane, illegal, and tragic war on Ukraine. The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) together with the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Embassy of Ukraine in Sweden invite students, faculty, staff, and partners to an evening to learn more about the impact of the war in Ukraine. We will discuss how we can support fellow students and faculty members from our partner school, the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) and Ukrainian academics and students more generally.

Lukas Goretzki appointed director of FIRE

11 April 2022

Business school education, motivation, and young adults' stock market participation

11 April 2022
New research from Department of Accounting faculty examines whether business school education increases students’ stock market participation.

Research report by Mats Jutterström och Mikael Samuelsson: Business Incubators’ Buffering Effects on Start-up Performance

11 April 2022
This article investigates how business incubators’ various support forms affect subsequent firm performance.

SSE to be renovated, thanks to a donation from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

07 April 2022
A century’s worth of history and celebrated architecture meets modern art and the future in tech; The historical premises of the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) are about to get a facelift, thanks to a generous donation from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

Design Thinking with Accenture

06 April 2022
Accenture Retail Club had a workshop about design thinking and how that is implemented in Accenture's everyday work.

Career Module with Systembolaget

06 April 2022
The second-year students in Systembolaget's Retail Club had a workshop centred around career planning.