International business school cooperation focusES on reduction of food waste
The idea behind the course is to focus on specific wicked world challenges, i.e. difficult problems coming from the interaction of the economic, social and environmental spheres. The challenge for the students this 2017 spring semester is to investigate the problems and possible solutions for food waste reduction.
The course ended yesterday with a virtual summit where the students presented their projects, where they made interventions aimed to reduce food waste, particularly in a high school canteen setting for the Stockholm groups. During the course the students also did projects together with their international classmates.
“The course provided a new platform to collaborate with other schools without having to physically transport the students – a new way of internationalizing and integrating digital technology into blended pedagogy", says Marijane Luistro Jonsson, Course Director for the students at SSE.
"The course structure allowed learning exchanges among the students from the different countries, wider exposure to different case context, and more location flexibility for students who need to travel for their internship and other school requierments. Seeing that it worked well, we will definitely expand and continue this pilot course.” Marijane Luistro Jonsson continues.
SSE has digitally connected the lectures and seminars at the different schools throughout the semester.