SSE and KTH students win Re:invent & Re:make Hackathon
Therese Lundborg and Stina Edlund, students at Stockholm School of Economics and KTH School of Architecture, presented the winning idea, Furniture As A Service - a rental service where public interior works as a service instead of a product. The service creates a circular system of furniture that can also be followed via digital marking.
– It has been both exciting and a learning experience to participate. We applied to the competition to challenge ourselves and to meet skilled people from different sectors, say Therese Lundborg and Stina Edlund.
The winners received SEK 25,000 and are now able to further advance the idea and develop a business and market plan.
Among the participants were architects, interior designers, product designers, business developers, marketers and sustainability strategies. The task was to find smart solutions based on three real challenges that increase the reuse of interior products and contribute to a circular economy.
The hackathon was organized by Link Arkitektur and the project is part of Re: source, Sweden's largest research and innovation initiative in the resource and waste area. It is a national innovation arena and supports the development of innovations that can contribute to a more efficient use of resources in both society and business.