SSE Master in International Business Program ranked among the top 10 schools in the world
SSE is listed number 8 in the 2021 Financial Times (FT) Master in Management ranking published today. This year’s ranking included 100 business schools from all over the world and SSE keeps leading the list of the Nordic schools participating in the ranking.
A few highlights:
- The 2018 MIB alumni reported an average of a 56% salary increase since starting their careers.
- SSE keeps the 2nd place in the world for international course experience.
- The 2018 MIB alumni reported an overall program satisfaction level of 9.66 out of 10.
"A top-10 placement for the second year in a row is really exciting and a testament to the quality of our program faculty and the success of our alumni. This year, we needed to manage disruptions in program components and placement opportunities as well as unforeseen changes to the ranking criteria. A solid ranking result despite these conditions really confirms that the Master of International Business program at SSE is a world-class program", says Ciara Sutton, Program Director at SSE.
The reasons behind the stable ranking include progress in key areas, such as salary levels and career services, as well as an 88% alumni response rate to the FT alumni survey. A vital factor in keeping graduate employment rates at a high level is maintaining a close relationship with alumni and corporate partners, helping staff and faculty better understand what qualities employers are looking for in recruits.
More information about the ranking