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Does Sweden benefit from providing development aid and what does research really say about the effects of development aid?

04 February 2022
There are claims that development aid is ineffective and does not yield results. What does research say about the effects of development aid? SITE Deputy Director and researcher Anders Olofsgård provides his insights in the latest episode of "Biståndskvarten - Om forskning och fakta" by ForumCiV.

How will climate change and the need for energy transformation affect environmental policy in Eastern Europe?

10 January 2022
The need for urgent climate action and energy transformation away from fossil fuels is widely acknowledged. Yet, current country plans for emission reductions do not reach the requirements to contain global warming under 2°C. What is worse, there is even reasonable doubt about the commitment to said plans given recent history and existing future investment plans into fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure development. This policy brief shortly summarizes the presentations and discussions at the SITE Development Day Conference, held on December 8, 2021, focusing on climate change policies and the challenge of a green energy transition in Eastern Europe.

The SIR office closed for winter holidays

20 December 2021

Call for Papers

20 December 2021
The conference ORGANIZING THE WORLD 2.0 will take place at Score in Stockholm, Sweden 6–7 October, 2022. Please submit your abstract by 1 March, 2022.

Micael Dahlén om svår1gh3ten m3d s1ffr0r: ”De styr våra liv”

13 December 2021
Professor Micael Dahlén varnar i en ny bok för att vi blivit för beroende av siffror.

Filmat webinar: Bli en vinnare efter krisen - och förbered er för nästa kris

06 December 2021

Extrapriser och rea – så påverkas vi av köpveckan "Black week"

29 November 2021
Sara Rosengren, professor på Handelshögskolan, förklarar hur vi påverkas av veckan och de stora reklamkampanjerna.

Öppet seminarium vid Score: Danielle Logue

22 November 2021
Torsdag 25 november kl. 10.00-11.30 gästar Danielle Logue, Associate Professor, University of Technology Sydney, Australien, Scores öppna seminarium. Varmt välkommen att delta via Zoom!

Öppet seminarium vid Score: Naghmeh Nasiritousi

15 November 2021
Torsdag 18 november kl. 10.00-11.30 gästar Naghmeh Nasiritousi, Research Fellow, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockholm universitet, Scores öppna seminarium. Varmt välkommen att delta via Zoom!

New article by Magnus Söderlund: When service robots look at themselves in the mirror: An examination of the effects of perceptions of robotic self-recognition

08 November 2021
CCM's most recent publication has just arrived; it is about what happens to us humans when we are encountering a service robot that is able vs. unable to recognize itself in a mirror. This seemingly odd and specific ability, which we humans can master without any effort at all, is supposed to be indicative of more advanced mind-related aspects. The present study was indeed able to capture reactions along such lines.