5 measures economists are debating for reducing carbon emissions
16 August 2021
Carbon pricing has long been the recommended tool of economists for mitigating climate change. In 2019, over 5000 economists, including 28 Nobel Laureate Economists, co-signed statements urging US and EU policy makers to adopt carbon pricing models. What does expanding existing carbon pricing schemes mean and what about other emission reduction methods? Here is a roundup of five possible measures currently being debated by economists.
Fall 2021 update on SSE Corona information
15 August 2021
The SSE corona strategy focuses on our students' and employees' safety. We always aim to secure excellent quality independent of whether teaching is hybrid, online, or on-campus and collaborate closely with our students to make sure we succeed.
The audiobook trend is here to stay
10 August 2021
Something many people are looking forward to during their summer holiday is to have time to relax while reading a book, and in recent years, audiobooks have gained rapid popularity. SSE student Alice O’Connor and SSE alumna Hedda Hanner decided to take a closer look at the phenomenon in their bachelor thesis in 2019, where they focused on consumer behavior with audiobooks as a book medium and digital subscription services as a channel for audiobooks. They then got in touch with the Swedish Publishers' Association who found their thesis so interesting that they wanted to turn their study into a report for them.
HOI research | How do everyday practices of hospitality help Syrian refugees maintain a sense of self?
28 July 2021
New research from the House of Innovation explores how displaced persons living in extreme precarity engage in mundane everyday organizing practices in order to become recognized as subjects who matter.
SSE takes part in Academic Pride 2021
26 July 2021
Academic Pride is a collaboration around Stockholm Pride between several of Stockholm’s higher education institutions and their associated student unions. The purpose is to highlight the importance of LGBTQIA+ issues in institutions of higher education, both in research and education as well as in regard to inclusive working and study environments.
HOI research | New research explores how entrepreneurship is anchored in well-being and agency
19 July 2021
New research, led by Dr. Nadav Shir, Affiliated Researcher at the House of Innovation, presents a dynamic perspective on entrepreneurship and well-being anchored in deeper philosophical views on the essence of well-being and entrepreneurship as a value-driven agency.
4 human conditions you need for a successful digital business implementation
09 July 2021
The degree of commitment and pro-active actions of all involved people and stakeholders influence how successful a digital business implementation will be. It is also directly linked to how successful the use of the new system will be perceived. In the doctoral dissertation Electronic Business − Implementation and Effects researcher Odd Fredriksson, Center for Consumer Marketing at Stockholm School of Economics, is exploring what conditions influence implementation of digital business and how the use of digital systems affect business relationships.
HOI research | New research explores self-inflicted ignorance
08 July 2021
New article explores why knowledgeable people sometimes choose ignorance over the knowledge they have or know they could have.
Closed for summer holidays
05 July 2021
The SIR Office will be closed from July 5 to August 8.
European collaboration success for CIVICA
02 July 2021
In June, 40 undergraduate students from CIVICA members Sciences Po, Bocconi University, The London School of Economics (LSE) and the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), together with Swedish high-school students, took part in the first edition of the CIVICA European Week. The four-day program is a central element of the CIVICA Engage Track, and this very first edition was hosted by SSE. Several of the participating students have given their thoughts on how it was to cooperate with peers from other countries in the all-online event.