Big change is made through endless small actions
04 May 2020
Congratulations Karol Vieker, Equality and Diversity Manager at SSE, on being awarded this year’s Friend of Stockholm’s Students! How did you receive the news?
Coping with COVID-19: Talk to an alumni
04 May 2020
Have your professional plans for the future changed because of COVID-19? SSE Alumni have signed up to help out our students during the pandemic.
Social distancing before government intervention
04 May 2020
Micro-data on mobility in the US show that individuals substantially reduced their exposure to others long before the introduction of restrictions on movement in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
How has COVID-19 affected the mobility of Swedes?
02 May 2020
A paper by Matz Dahlberg (IBF, UU, IFAU) and a group of Uppsala-based researchers suggests that changes in mobility patterns are similar across geographic areas with different socioeconomic and demographic characteristics.
Allocating mentors to students for online mentoring
01 May 2020
Researchers from the Mechanism Design and Education Economics groups of Institute of Economics, CERS have joined forces with a charity organisation and an e-learning platform to create a web platform for assigning students to mentors in Hungary. The matching runs are conducted once a week to form mentoring pairs and groups based on the needs and preferences of the participants.
A primer on the SIR model
30 April 2020
Mathematical models are used to approximate epidemic outbreaks and try to predict their outcomes. In this popular Youtube lecture, Tom Britton, Professor in Mathematical Statistics and Dean of Mathematics & Physics at Stockholm University, explains the basic concepts of the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model.
New film with artist Hanna Ljungh
30 April 2020
Meet the artist Hanna Ljungh in SSE Art Initiative's and Brillo Vox's short film, shot and edited in connection with our live streamed Art Talk and studio visit.
Policy guidance for developing countries
30 April 2020
Developing countries face substantially different trade-offs and even more uncertainty compared to rich countries when dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. The International Growth Centre (IGC) released a policy guidance note that clearly spells out what the main issues are.
Optimal testing
29 April 2020
A new working paper by Jakob Jonnerby (Oxford) and co-authors analyzes how to optimally prioritize testing resources under scarcity.
Doing the right thing – why it's harder for some
29 April 2020
All over the world, personal movement has been restricted to various degrees in an attempt to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. But some people seem to having trouble staying away from others. Social psychology may help us understand why some of us are not listening.