Vacancy: Tenure track faculty positions at the House of Innovation and the Center for Data Analytics, Stockholm School of Economics: Focus on Innovation, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence
03 March 2020
The House of Innovation and the Center for Data Analytics at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) currently invites applications for one or several tenure track positions, on the Assistant Professor level, focus on Innovation, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence.
Forskning om hållbart mode ska driva cirkulära affärsmodeller i praktiken
02 March 2020
Misum-forskaren Susanne Sweet är med på Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademiens (IVA) ”100-lista” som korar forskningsinitiativ med störst potential för att bidra till Sveriges framtida konkurrenskraft. 2020 har Akademien lagt särskilt fokus på hållbar utveckling, med målet att förmedla kunskap om nya processer, produkter och affärsmodeller för företag och praktiker.
Transition is (still) not a done deal
28 February 2020
SITE's Director, Torbjörn Becker, shares his thoughts and reflection on a Baltic Rim Economies article about 30 years after the first post-communist election in Poland, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and EU's integration for many post-communist countries.
Study Visit at Axfood
26 February 2020
Axel Johnson Retail Club had a study visit to Axfood; Sweden’s leading grocery retailer actor which consists of companies such as Willys, Hemköp, Dagab, Tempo, Urban Deli, and
New double degree program with St. Gallen
25 February 2020
Master students in banking and finance can now broaden their perspectives. Stockholm School of Economics has joined forces with the University of St. Gallen to offer a double degree program in banking and finance at the Master level.
Diversity and sustainability – seven new companies enter the incubation program
24 February 2020
A breadth of ideas are represented among the admitted companies, with everything from lending platforms for farmers and innovative water meters which detect leaks and help people save water, to apps intended to help parents improve the sleep of their newborn children, and websites which facilitate cross-border e-commerce.
Guest Professorship in Public Management
24 February 2020
at Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research. Closing date: 25 March 2020.
Öppet seminarium vid Score: Kerstin Jacobsson
24 February 2020
Torsdag 5 mars håller Kerstin Jacobsson, professor i sociologi vid institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet, ett öppet seminarium. Välkommen!
Cevian Capital establishes a new Chair in Finance
24 February 2020
The Stockholm School of Economics is proud to announce the establishment of a new Chair in Finance, which has been awarded to Professor Bo Becker, one of Sweden’s most renowned researchers in the field. This new professorship supports research opportunities and strengthens Swedish competitiveness.
Career Module with Swedish Match
19 February 2020
The second-year students in Swedish Match’s retail club had a career module about how to apply for a trainee-ship or a job.