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Why we reward bad behavior in the workplace

12 November 2019
Breaking the rules might boost our confidence and help us get ahead at work. But does it mean we are bad people? "I think people often do bad things for good reasons," says Wiley Wakeman who presents his latest findings at Early Insights seminar for the Center for Retailing this week.

Handelshögskolans Martina Björkman Nyqvist på DN debatt

11 November 2019
Handelshögskolans Martina Björkman Nyqvist svarar (tillsammans med kolleger) på gårdagens text (10 nov 2019) på DN debatt av Bo Rothstein.

Bokseminarium vid Score - Organization outside organizations

06 November 2019
Tisdag 3 december håller Göran Ahrne och Nils Brunsson ett seminarium kring den nya boken Organization outside organizations. Efter seminariet bjuder Score på mingel och musik. Varmt välkommen!


06 November 2019

How can Sweden promote democratic development in the east?

04 November 2019
What are the consequences of weak political checks and balances, corruption and authoritarianism in Eastern Europe? What are the opportunities for peace and cooperation in Europe overall? These are some of the questions highlighted in this year’s edition of SITE’s Development Day conference.

Erik Wikberg in media

04 November 2019

The number of international doctoral students increases

31 October 2019
One third of Sweden’s doctoral students are in Stockholm. And 43 percent of them are from countries other than Sweden. This according to a new report from Stockholms Akademiska Forum (Staf).

SSE ranks 13 in the world for Master in Management

29 October 2019
The jury's in and we're proud to remain one of the top tier business schools in the world, according to the Financial Times Master in Management ranking.

“UN Agenda 2030: A utopian development plan for the world”

23 October 2019
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been criticized for being universal, unfocused, inconsistent and difficult to quantify, implement and monitor. There is also a potential conflict between socio-economic development and sustainable development. But there are exceptions, according to Professor Ranjula Bali Swain at Misum.

Bokseminarium vid Score: Att styra och leda i gränslandet

23 October 2019
Välkomna till ett spännande bokseminarium om samhällets gränsland. Närmare bestämt ska det handla om de organisationer – ofta kallade hybridorganisationer – som befolkar dem.