Handelshögskolans Erik Wikberg om bildning och känslan av delaktighet
11 June 2019
Handelshögskolans Erik Wikberg är ny krönikör i Vlt. I sin första krönika skriver han om bildning som ett sätt att känna engagemang och ett medansvar för den korta stund vi har på jorden.
This year's best Global Challenges project
10 June 2019
And the winner is ...
the AI Challenge! At the end of May, our Global Challenges students presented their final projects: sustainable solutions that contribute to the global goals.
Jonas Colliander comments on influencers as future potentates and today’s modest review of influencers
10 June 2019
Sara Rosengren in DN Debatt on Diversity in Swedish advertising
10 June 2019
Sara Rosengren in DN Debatt on Diversity in Swedish advertising
07 June 2019
Jonas Colliander comments on influencers as future potentates and today’s modest review of influencers
06 June 2019
High rate of successful alumni companies nominated to the Norrsken Award
05 June 2019
The Norrsken Award is a possibility for three start-up companies to win tailor made support from world leading advisors McKinsey & Co, Brunswick Group and Mannheimer Swartling. On the current nomination list of 100 Nordic startup companies, more than one third of the companies have SSE alumni as founders, team members, or on the Board of Directors!
Erik Wetter på house of innovation utsedd till strategisk rådgivare vid Försvarshögskolan
05 June 2019
Försvarshögskolan har utsett Erik Wetter vid SSE House of Innovation till strategisk rådgivare vid Centrum för totalförsvar och samhällets säkerhet (CTSS).
erik wikberg interviewed in vlt
05 June 2019
Erik Wikberg is interviewed in the Swedish newspaper VLT about his research on the digitalization of the book industry, the SSE Literary Agenda and why Senior Managers should read more books than quarterly reports.
Erik Wetter på house of innovation utsedd till strategisk rådgivare vid Försvarshögskolan
04 June 2019
Försvarshögskolan har utsett Erik Wetter vid SSE House of Innovation till strategisk rådgivare vid Centrum för totalförsvar och samhällets säkerhet (CTSS).