Launch of the CSB Sports Committee
14 September 2023
The Center for Sports & Business is very happy to share the news of a new student-led initiative - the CSB Sports Committee, which officially launched this week. The aim of the committee is to promote awareness of the benefits of sports for well-being, as well as gaining insight into the sports industry from a CFO and investor perspective.
The King of Sweden honored with new professorship in youth leadership
14 September 2023
In celebration of King Carl XVI Gustaf's 50 years on the throne, the Stockholm School of Economics is establishing a new professorship in youth leadership. The funding for this new professorship comes from a joint initiative by the Swedish business community.
Axel Johnson Study Visit
13 September 2023
All first-year students in the Retail Management program visited Axel Johnson / Axfood to learn more about the company and its long industry history.
Marijane Luistro Jonsson guest theme editor and contributor
13 September 2023
The 100th issue of "Socialmedicinsk tidskrift" is out, with the theme "Yttre och inre hållbarhet". Marijane Luistro Jonsson from SSE CSR is a guest theme editor and contributor to the issue.
Markus Pettersson: latest PhD graduate from the Department of Economics
11 September 2023
Department of Economics is proud to present its latest PhD graduate: Markus Pettersson. He has successfully defended his thesis on the 30th of August, and we congratulate him on this momentous achievement. Congratulations, Markus!
CIVICA's Master's courses in Social Sciences offer multicampus perspectives
08 September 2023
This week, CIVICA launches this academic year’s joint and multicampus courses, continuing the alliance’s work towards a true European campus. The courses are one of CIVICA’s many transnational experiences enabling students to pursue academic paths beyond any one institutional or national context.
Magicians, unicorns, or data cleaners?
07 September 2023
New research from the Department of Accounting explores the identity narratives and work experiences of data scientists.
Johnny Lind appointed director of FIRE
07 September 2023
Successful Book Launch: "Data och Modeller: en handbok för analys"
06 September 2023
We are thrilled to share the success of our recent book launch for "Data och Modeller: en handbok för analys".
Panelsamtal: Vad händer när kunskap förflyttas?
04 September 2023
Välkommen till ett panelsamtal på Score torsdag 21 september 2023 kl. 15.00-16.30. Efter panelsamtalet, som slutar runt 16.30, bjuder Score på förfriskningar och musik!