CSR Center nominated for the Blaze Inclusion Awards 2022
19 May 2022
We are delighted to announce that the Center for Sustainability research at SIR (CSR) is one of the nominees for the Blaze Inclusion Awards 2022.
Highlights from the event "Economic and social context of domestic violence"
16 May 2022
What are the consequences of domestic violence? What are the factors behind domestic violence? How does war affect the prevalence of gender violence in conflict areas and post conflicts? On 11 May 2022, the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) together with the Centre for Economic Analysis (CenEA) and the FREE Network hosted a hybrid conference focused on 'Economic and social context of domestic violence' with a special panel session on ‘Dimensions of gender-based violence in military conflicts’.
Din månadslön säger en hel del om din självbild
16 May 2022
Hur kommer det sig att vi hellre sätter oss nakna i en bastu full med främlingar än berättar vad vi tjänar? Micael Dahlen har skrivit sjätte delen i SvD Under streckets serie om jagets förändrade roll i vår kultur.
Will the sanctions against Russia have any effect?
12 May 2022
Sanctions imposed on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine are argued to be the strongest and farthest-reaching imposed on a major power after WWII, more numerous and more comprehensive than all other measures currently in force against all other sanctioned countries. A question often asked, which is hard to answer, is whether sanctions are effective.
ICA Company Visit
11 May 2022
ICA Retail Club visited ICA's brand new automatized e-commerce warehouse in Brunna.
Communication & Strategy Workshop at Systembolaget
11 May 2022
Systembolaget's Retail Club had a workshop about their marketing strategy.
Hanna Berg on elderly consumers in retail environments
11 May 2022
Listen to CCM researcher Hanna Berg talk about her research on elderly consumers in retail environments. Register for the seminar (in Swedish) May 13, 10.00-12.00. You can attend the free seminar online or in Göteborg!
CFR Quant Marketing Workshop with Professor Gui Liberali
09 May 2022
On May 5 we were thrilled to participate in the “When Machine Learning Meets Online Experiments” workshop with Professor Gui Liberali from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
History course takes SSE students to Washington, D.C.
09 May 2022
Last week students visited the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies as part of their course in applied history. They listened to lectures about the Cold War from leading scholars and visited historical sites in the American capital.
Gender-based violence and the Ukraine conflict
09 May 2022
Everybody is deeply shaken by the horror of war, but there are some gender differences in the type of harm that individuals face. Acknowledging the specific risk that women face during wartime in order to target interventions is important, especially considering that often the actors that sit at peace negotiation tables are exclusively men. Pamela Campa, Assistant Professor at Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), discusses the risks that women face during a war conflict.