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Dissertation defense by Clara My Lernborg

25 March 2019

Styrelsen för Stockholm Sustainable Finance Center i Dagens Industri: Vi är redo att ta ansvar

22 March 2019
Klimatförändringarnas inverkan på investeringar går inte att bortse ifrån. Den stora utmaningen nu blir att effektivt styra finansieringsflöden mot klimatsmarta och hållbara investeringar – och Sverige har unika förutsättningar att gå i bräschen, skriver styrelsen för Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre i Dagens Industri (2019-03-22), i vilken Handelshögskolans rektor Lars Strannegård sitter.

Carl-Philip Ahlbom's dissertation in media

21 March 2019
On March 21 Carl-Philip Ahlbom defended his dissertation "How technology is evolving in-store shopping behaviors". The findings from the dissertation have been reported in the following media.

What's behind the entrance door?

21 March 2019
To celebrate our 110th anniversary the Stockholm School of Economics will open the doors during Stockholm Culture Night (Kulturnatt Stockholm). Bring your friends and family and join one of our guided art tours that run every 30 minutes from 6 pm to 11.30 pm, on April 27.

Svetlana Kolesova in Transportochlogistik.se

21 March 2019
Svetlana Kolesova comments on the delivery of online grocery purchases and young adults’ expectations of flexible logistic solutions, at transportochlogistik.se

Maria Perrotta Berlin is appointed as the new Global Challenges Development Director

20 March 2019
Stockholm School of Economics has appointed Maria Perrotta Berlin as the new Global Challenges Development Director, with responsibility for the Global Challenges education track and the UN PRME initiative at the School.

Dagens Industri: "Students at Stockholm School of Economics are thoroughly taught about sustainability"

19 March 2019
The Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri (2019-03-16) writes about sustainability at the Stockholm School of Economics: the obligatory education track Global Challenges, the research center Misum and the newly started environmental and climate association SSE Students for Climate Action.

Chairman of the board Andreas Werr awarded the Lars Erik Lundberg Professorship in Business Administration

18 March 2019
By means of a donation of SEK 20 million from Lars Erik Lundberg, the Lars Erik Lundberg Professorship in Business Administration has been established, focusing on human capital in particular.

Lars Strannegård om förändringsprocesser i Tidspodden

18 March 2019
Lars Strannegård gästade Tidspodden för att prata förändringsprocesser med Lena Lid Falkman och Petra Brask. Se nedan.

Öppet seminarium vid Score

18 March 2019
Torsdag 11 april gästas Scores öppna seminarium av Matilda Dahl, forskare och lektor i företagsekonomi på Campus Gotland, Uppsala universitet. Välkommen!