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SSE is expanding the campus area through the acquisition of Studentpalatset

16 February 2022
The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) has signed an agreement with Akademiska Hus on the acquisition of the building “Studentpalatset” (the Student Palace) and are thereby expanding the campus area. Studentpalatset opens up new opportunities to create an inspiring environment for education and research.

Applying History II now available

15 February 2022
The anthology with student essays from SSE's course in Applied History is now in print.

Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall: ”Internationellt gynnar man personalägande”

14 February 2022
Altinget intervjuar Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall om sociala obligationer, påverkansarbete och om skillnaden mellan Sverige och Europa när det kommer till marknadsaktörers respektive idéburna aktörers villkor i välfärden.

Torbjörn Becker in Dagens Industri: “Neither Russia nor the West has anything to gain from an enlarged conflict in Ukraine”

11 February 2022
In a recently published op-ed in Dagens Industri (in Swedish), Torbjörn Becker shares his insights on Russia's real threat from the West, which is economic and not military.

Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall on social bonds, advocacy work and the difference between Sweden and Europe considering conditions of market participants

10 February 2022

Boosting the Creation of Jobs in African Economies: What can Policy do?

10 February 2022
In a recently published paper, Céline Zipfel, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, with Oriana Bandiera (LSE), Ahmed Elsayed (IZA), and Andrea Smurra (UCL), presents facts on labor markets in Africa and discusses policy priorities for boosting the creation of salaried jobs for young adults.

"We need a minister for civil society"

09 February 2022

Marketing Analytics workshop with Prof. Bruce Hardie (LBS)

09 February 2022
On Feb 1, Prof. Bruce Hardie from London Business School gave a talk about his research journey from a person “without statistics and mathematics background” to one of the most influential quantitive marketing researchers of our time.

Introduction to AI and its connection to cross sales opportunities at Clas Ohlson

08 February 2022
Clas Ohlson held a theme lecture about AI for Clas Ohlson's Retail Club as well as first-year students from four other Retail Clubs.

From east to west: A paper curtain in Swedish foreign news coverage?

08 February 2022
How much a country is talked about in the media can determine its place in the public debate. In this brief, SITE researchers Maiting Zhuang and Svante Strömberg study the amount of news coverage devoted to European countries in the Swedish press. They document a systematic difference between Western and Eastern Europe and explore underlying factors that could be important in explaining this East-West divide.