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Misum open seminar on Circular Economy with Katrien Verleye

Welcome to a Misum open seminar on "Advancing the shift to a circular economy by adopting an actor engagement lens" with Katrien Verleye, Associate Professor of Service Innovation at Ghent university.

About the speaker

Katrien Verleye is an Associate Professor of Service Innovation and - together with Prof. dr. Bart Larivière - running the CSI-UGent – the Center for Service Intelligence at Ghent University. Within the domain of service innovation, her main research interests relate to multi-actor engagement and value co-creation - also in the context of transitions to a circular economy. Katrien serves the editorial boards of Journal of Business Research, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Management, and the Journal of Service Theory and Practice and her own research is published in these and other service, marketing, and management journals. 


About the event

In this Misum open seminar, Associate Professor of Service Innovation will present her work on "

Circular business models (CBMs) are on the rise in the transition to a more circular and sustainable economy. Yet, their development, launch, and adoption are challenged by actors being reluctant to join the transition to a circular economy or even impeding it.

Against this background, this research theorizes about how to achieve circular economy engagement (i.e., an actor’s disposition to embrace CBMs). Based upon an abductive analysis of 133 CBM papers with the Motivation-Opportunity-Ability (MOA) framework as organizing structure, this research highlights and illustrates the role of (1) signaling and convincing as motivation-related practices, (2) matching and legitimizing as opportunity-related practices, and (3) supporting and empowering as ability-related practices.

This research provides illustrative cases for each of these practices along with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications and the remaining challenges for researchers and practitioners—all with the key aim to push the transition to a circular economy forward.

The seminar will take place at the Stockholm School of Economics on September 18, from 12:00 to 13:00 in Room Ragnar. A light lunch will be provided during the seminar for all registered participants.

To register, please send a note to misum.events@hhs.se