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Misum News

The Misum Annual Report for 2016 is here

28 March 2017
We had a busy year, so we would like you to read all about it.

Nya bolagstrenden: tackla globala problem

20 March 2017
Misums Lin Lerpold intervjuad i Dagens Industri Digital söndagen den 19 mars 2017.

“Producing Consumers: Agencing and Concerning Consumers to Do Green in Everyday Food Practices”

13 March 2017
Welcome to Ingrid Stigzelius´ dissertation defence on March 31 at 1.15 pm. Ingrid will defend her Ph.D dissertation entitled “Producing Consumers: Agencing and Concerning Consumers to Do Green in Everyday Food Practices” in room KAW.

"Svanen investment ecolabelling needs focus"

01 March 2017
Researchers from the Mistra Financial Systems program (hosted by Misum, Stockholm School of Economics) have provided a public comment on Svanen´s proposal for ecolabelling of Nordic investment funds.

SSE Researcher Erik Wetter invited by Angela Merkel

20 February 2017
Erik Wetter, researcher at the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (MISUM) at Stockholm School of Economics, is one of two people from Sweden that have been invited to participate in the Third International German Forum in Berlin.

Post-Doc Position for research on Shared Value and Corporate-Community Sustainability

08 February 2017
Misum invites engaged scholars to apply for a Post-Doc position in the area of corporate strategy, community engagement and social impact. 

Erik Wetter i Aktuell Hållbarhet: så mäter svenska forskare fattigdom i rymden

07 February 2017
2 februari 2017: Misums Erik Wetter intervjuad i Aktuell Hållbarhet om sitt forskningsprojekt Flowminder som kombinerar data från satelliter och data från mobiltelefoner i syfte att mäta fattigdomsnivåer.

it´s here! The SSE Annual research book: this year on sustainable development and business

02 February 2017
Every year since 1992, the SSE Institute for Research (SIR) has produced an annual book with new research from Stockholm School of Economics. This year the theme is sustainability and researchers from Misum played a large part: out of twelve chapters, Misum researchers contributed to eight.

Handelsforskare bekämpar fattigdom från rymden

02 February 2017
Misum-forskaren Erik Wetter intervjuad i Dagens Industri om sitt projekt Flowminder som kombinerar satellitdata från mobiloperatörer för att mäta och i slutändan påverka fattigdomsnivån i olika delar av världen. 

Misums lin lerpold in the hill: message to trump

26 January 2017
Misums Lin Lerpold together with 24 business school professors, all of whom are founders or board members of the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS), wrote an op ed article to President Trump.