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Misum News

Post-Doc Position for research on Energy Economics at Misum

05 September 2017
Misum invites engaged scholars to apply for a post-doc position in the area of energy economics to work with a research team, led by Professor Ranjula Bali Swain.

Misum´s Emma Sjöström appointed expert on green bonds by Swedish government

24 August 2017
Emma Sjöström, research manager for the Misum research platform Sustainable Finance, has been appointed expert to the Swedish government's inquiry to promote the market for green bonds. 

Misums Erik Wetter gäst i CSR Swedens podd "vems agenda?"

21 August 2017
Lyssna på Misums Erik Wetter som i podden "Vems agenda?" (om de globala hållbarhetsmålen Agenda 2030)  diskuterar sitt projekt Flowminder och det nionde av de globala målen: Hållbar industri, innovationer och infrastruktur.

Ny rapport: om konsumenters möjlighet att välja hållbara investeringar

14 August 2017
Rapporten, som bland annat efterlyser trovärdiga miljömärkningar av fonder för att underlätta för konsumenter, är författad av forskarna Jonas Nilsson och Joakim Sandberg (affilierad till Misum).


30 June 2017
Stockholm School of Economics became a member of PRME* in 2013 and has now submitted its second progress report. It includes an assessment of how SSE is achieving the goals it set itself to improve its education, research and outreach on issues of responsible management and sustainability in the past two years, and its goals for the coming two years.


21 June 2017
NEW PAPER PUBLISHED (2017-06-21): Misum´s Enrico Fontana´s paper "Strategic CSR: a panacea for profit and altruism? An empirical study among executives in the Bangladeshi RMG supply chain" is published in European Business Review.

webcast: Central banks and sustainability

20 June 2017
Watch this webcast from a seminar with Misum´s Max Jerneck at Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) on Monday June 19, 2017.

misum i almedalen 2017

30 May 2017
Allt om Misums deltagande i Almedalen 2017. Schemat kommer att uppdateras löpande.

Misums Max Jerneck i DN Kultur: "Bota klimatångesten med ny industripolitik"

17 May 2017
Misum-forskaren Max Jerneck skriver idag (den 17 maj 2017)  på DN Kultur ett svar på kulturchefen Björn Wimans krönika "Finns det is på nordpolen? Ja, och pessimisten är populistens bästa vän". 

Post-Doc Position for research on Shared Value and Corporate-Community Sustainability at Misum

08 May 2017
Misum, Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets, at Stockholm School of Economics invites engaged scholars to apply for a Post-Doc position in the area of corporate strategy, community engagement and social impact. Deadline for application is June 7, 2017