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People and partners

Laurence Romani, Associate Professor, SSE

Ingalill Holmberg, Professor, SSE

Katja Einola, Assistant Professor, SSE

Emma Nordbäck, Assistant Professor, Center for Responsible Leaderhsip and Hanken

Paolo Velásquez, Postdoctoral researcher, SSE

Natalie Bye, Ph.D Student, SSE

Miguel Morillas, PostDoc, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Andrea Voyer, Professor, Stockholm University

Emma Bell, Professor, SSE

Anette Risberg, Professor, University of Inland Norway

Affiliated researchers:

Mats Alvesson, Professor, Lund university and Stockholm School of Economics
Charlotte Holgersson, Associate Professor, Royal Institute of Technology
Dan Kärreman, Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Stockholm School of Ecomomics and Royal Holloway London
Andreas Diedrich, Gothenburg University
Late Lotte Holk, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
Renate Ortlieb, Professor, Graz University (Austria)
Betina Szkudlarek, Associate Professor University of Sydney Business School (Australia)
Pernilla Petrelius Karlberg, Senior Researcher
Pernilla Bolander, Assistant professor, SSE
Elena Antonacopoulou, Professor, American University of Beirut



Axel Johnson


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