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BSc and MSc initiatives at CWWH

Happiness and wellbeing: Making a better life

Elective course at the BSc program in Business and Economics.

Grounded in research on happiness and wellbeing, the course aims to give you opportunity and ability to reflect on and experience how you can make life better for yourself and for others, both in the short term and in the long term. It provides tools to increase your agency in life, and really make it y-o-u-r life.  Leverage everyday actions to make big impact. It also nurtures your curiosity to keep learning and exploring routes in your future career and life situations.

Teaching at the BSc program in Retail Management

CWWH has been involved in the Antonia Ax:son Johnson Tutorial program for the second-year students and the third-year students at the Retail Management program.

Self Sustainability module

Seminar and one-on-one meetings between students and facultyThe aim is to get students to think in terms of self-sustainability. Self-sustainability is a method to help them deal with the pressures, stress, and inevitable setbacks that they will encounter even though they will get tools to increase their chances of success through the education at SSE and in their careers.

Creative direction module

Seminar and group meetings between students and faculty. The aim is to engage students in experiential learning, in which they can practice and see the effects of creativity on the wellbeing and productivity of themselves and others.

SSE Bachelor Thesis Series

During the Spring 2024 semester CWWH faculty have supervised five Bachelor theses at SSE. Topics center around four-day work week, social media consumption, household savings, and effects of wellbeing initiatives in organizations.