Management Diploma for Athletes
A customised entrepreneurship and management program, supporting elite athletes in their transition to their next career.
Welcome to Your Next Career!
Have you spent most of your life focused on your sporting career? Looking for qualified training that will help you take a big step forward in your second career while at the same time complementing your acquired skills from your athletic career? Do you want to learn how your specific and unique experiences from sports can be useful to business?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you are well on your way to being a valuable asset to the business community - a person with a background in sport with a strong knowledge of the challenges facing businesses.
For You with a Background in Sport
MDA is specifically for professional athletes, ready to start their next career. Our diploma program brings together people from various sports arenas who all have in common a strong commitment and determination to succeed. These are the same ingredients to make both a successful career in sport and a successful career in business.
The Program Provides many Possibilities
- Build a platform for a new career outside of sport
- Start your own company within or outside of the sports world
- Take the next step in your current job
- Develop in your role as a manager and a leader in a club or an association
Program Outline
The curriculum is designed to fascilitate studying parallel to your athletic career or fulltime work. Besides, due to the varied experience, situational circumstances and development needs of the participants, the curriculum is both dynamic and flexible. It entails a combination of traditional lectures, workshops, individual work, and internet-based studies.
To inspire and give different business perspectives we arrange study sessions with interesting businesses. Finally, your individual project work will become an important building block in your own career development and employability. The project will be supervised by industry leaders and centered around your own career and interest or to build a business plan to help start or continue your business. The project work is done throughout the program and presented as a method of examination at the end of the program.
Johan Cruyff, who was ranked one of the best football players throughout time, founded the Cruyff Institute as a response to recognising the possible synergies between sports and business. Early on it was clear how trade and industry sought and benefitted from educated people with professional backgrounds. Today the Institute has expanded also internationally aiming to create educational programs for current or retired professional athletes.
Core Components
The program content is built around modules that gradually build up your knowledge and deepen your insights. The education spans a total of 30 days in class spread over a year.
Economics and Law
Sales & Marketing
Strategy and Business Development