Why Sports at SSE?
An Organization for Increased Knowledge Intensity
While our mission entails that our graduates understand economies and sound economic decisions, it also requires something more. That something is a broader and, especially, a deeper understanding of society. To provide some of that depth, SSE turns to the sports and health.
Sports are a critical building block for the overall development and growth of every SSE student. When engaging in sports, students enhance their social relationships, get emotionally strong, and build critical skills such as leadership, teamwork, patience, discipline, learning from failure, sportsmanship etc. These skills are not only important when it comes to sports, but equally important when it comes to studies and future professional life.
Furthermore, through action-oriented initiatives, we provide students with opportunities to move, make their brains get more oxygen in order to enhance their learning, as well as a way of increasing their contacts and creating a sense of community. This helps in tackling helath-related issues and increases the learning potential at SSE more broadly.
When it comes to the field of sports, many sports clubs are so-called hybrid organizations. These organizations need to combine norms and ideals from at least two sectors. Often, sports club are even driven by passionate interests and emotions, which makes it even more complex to manage such organizations. These intricacies are dealt with in our two elective courses, Accounting in Hybrid Organization (BSc), as well as Investments and Value Creation in Global Sports (MSc), providing students with a more entrepreneurial mindset.
These are, taken together, different pathways for acquiring the FREE attributes inscribed in our educational mission.
SSE Sport Initiative is making the School more knowledge intensive by adding sensual, experiential, and athletic knowledge to the academic knowledge already present. However, with expertise primarily in the economic sciences, SSE needs help to ensure that our students' physical exercise, entrepreneurial mindset and athletic learning maintains the high standard that characterizes our traditional curriculum.
Collaborations with the Sports World and Academia
Our projects include collaborations with the most relevant sports associations in Sweden such as Swedish Elite Football, the Swedish Golf Association, Swedish Football Clubs, and the Swedish Olympic Committee, as well as academic institutions such as KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Karolinska Institute (through the Swedish Olympic Academy), and the Olympic Committees of Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Zagreb School of Economics and Management and the Center for Sports and Management at WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management (through MLEA - MicroLearning Entrepreneurship for Athletes).
A Strong Connection to Research and Education
Sport Initiative also closely collaborates with the Center for Sports & Business at the Stockholm School of Economics, an interdisciplinary research center aiming at contributing to a more research-driven sports world. The Center brings together more than 40 researchers from 19 universities in 12 countries, conducting research in accounting, economics, finance, international business, marketing, and strategy.