Friday Seminar - "A financial economist in government" - Jessica Wachter (Wharton)
Jessica Wachter, Dr. Bruce I. Jacobs Professor in Quantitative Finance, Professor of Finance at Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania, will present her research at SSE main building (Room Ragnar) on Thursday, Mar 6 at 10:30 CET.
2025-03-06 at 10:30
2025-03-06 at 11:45
Room Ragnar, SSE main building, entrance via Bertil Ohlins Gata 4
Abstract: "Jessica Wachter will talk about her experiences serving as Chief Economist of the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission over the last three and a half years. This period was one of an active agenda with long- run implications for the rules governing U.S. securities markets.“