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MISUM RESEARCH: PUBLISHED PAPERS, ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS 2015 (With the name of the Misums researcher in bold)


Phd dissertation

Nilsson Altafi, Sofia (2015). Evaluations as mirrors and co-constructors: An empirical investigation of a microfinance rating agency and its rating practices from 1999-2014. PhD dissertation, Stockholm School of Economics.



Agrogiannis, S., Agrogiannis, C. 2015. A Critical Review and Evaluation of the Lean Concept and Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability: Investigating Their Interrelation and Contribution in Terms of Business Competitive Positioning. Master of Science - Project Management and Operational Developmen, KTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), Applied Mechanical Engineering (KTH Södertälje).

Sandberg, J. Forthcoming. Moral Economy and Normative Ethics, Journal of Global Ethics.

Sandberg, J. & Nilsson, J. 2015. Do ethical investors want purity or effectiveness? An exploratory study on the ethical preferences of mutual fund investors, Journal of Financial Services Marketing 20 (1): 34-45.

Sandberg, J. Forthcoming. Pension Funds, Fiduciary Duty, and Future Generations, in Gosseries, A. & González Ricoy, I. (eds.), Institutions for Future Generations, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sandberg, J. Forthcoming. What’s Wrong with Exorbitant Interest Rates on Microloans?, in Sorell, T. & Cabrera, L. (eds.), Microfinance, Rights and Global Justice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hsu, S., Krosinsky, C., Kosmider, C., Reichenbach, M. & Sandberg, J. 2015. CO2 Tax and Refund for New York State. Report by the Network for Sustainable Financial Markets.

Carlsson-Wall, M., M. Lund, K. Kraus & E.Sjögren. 2015. “'Accounting talk’ through metaphorical representations – change agents and organisational change in home-based elderly care”. European Accounting Review DOI: 10.1080/09638180.2014.992921

Hagbjer, E., J. Lind & E. Sjögren. 2013. “Trust in the monitoring of publicly funded services: A case study of two outsourced care homes for the elderly” In: M. Reuter, F. Wijkström & B. Kristensson Uggla (eds.) Trust and Organizations: Confidence Across Borders, Palgrave Macmillan.

Andersson, P. & Mattsson, L.G. (2015) Service innovations enabled by the Internet of Things. IMP Journal, Vol 9, issue 1, 85- 106.

Mattsson L.G. (2015) Bridging the gaps between policies for sustainable markets and market practices. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics, Harvard University, June 18-21.

Kjellberg, H. & Stigzelius, I. (2014). Doing green: environmental concerns and the realization of green values in everyday food practices, in Geiger, D., Harrison, D., Kjellberg, H. & Mallard, A. (Eds.) “Concerned Markets”, Edward Elgar. http://www.elgaronline.com/view/9781782549734.00008.xml