Open Conference Program, Friday August 28
08:30 Coffee and welcome.
Presentation: Douglas Diamond, University of Chicago “Causes of and Lessons from the 2007‐2009 Financial Crisis”.
Presentation: Chester Spatt, Carnegie Mellon University, “Economic Principles, Government Policy and the Market Crisis”.
Presentation: Hyun Song Shin, Princeton University, ʺFinancial Intermediation and the Post‐Crisis Financial Systemʺ.
12:00‐13:00 Lunch.
Presentation: Raghuram Rajan, University of Chicago, “Recreating the Financial System”.
Presentation: Luis Garicano, London School of Economics, “Towards a New Architechture for Financial Stability”.
14:30‐15.00 Coffee.
15:00‐16:15 Panel: The future of financial regulation
Martin Andersson (Director General, Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority)
John Berrigan (Director, Macrofinancial Stability, European Commission)
Björn Savén (Chairman, IK Investment Partners)
16:15 Concluding remarks.
Academic Conference Program, Saturday August 29
(The presenting author is marked with an asterisk)
08:30 Coffee.
09:00‐09:45 “Fear of fire sales and the credit freeze”.
Presenter: Douglas Diamond (University of Chicago)
Discussant: Denis Gromb (INSEAD)
09:45‐10:30 “Regulatory pressure and fire sales in the corporate bond market”.
Presenter:Andrew Ellul (Indiana University)
Discussant: Morten Sørensen (Columbia University)
10:30‐11:00 Coffee.
11:00‐11:45 “Illiquidity component of credit risk”.
Presenter: Hyun Shin* (Princeton University)
Discussant: Pete Kyle (University of Maryland)
11:45‐12:30 ʺSecuritized Banking and the run on repoʺ.
Presenter: Gary Gorton (Yale University)
Discussant: Chester Spatt (Carnegie Mellon University)
12:30‐13:30 Lunch.
13:30‐14:15 “Securitization without risk transfer”.
Presenter: Philip Schnabl (New York University)
Discussant: Amit Seru (University of Chicago)
14:15‐14:30 Coffee
14:30‐15:15 “Is making deferred (bonus) pay mandatory a good idea for banking?”.
Presenter: Roman Inderst(University of Frankfurt)
Discussant: Samuel Lee (New York University)
15:15‐16:00 “Yesterday’s Heroes: Compensation and creative risk‐taking”.
Presenter: Harrison Hong (Princeton University)
Discussant: Augustin Landier, Toulouse School of Economics