In the press
The latest coverage of the Swedish House of Finance in the press, including video, radio, and print media.
The world's highest carbon tax
Article about Per Strömberg and Gustav Martinssons forthcoming report ”The world’s highest carbon tax” in Dagens Miljöteknik.
What Matters Most In ESG Investing: How To Spot Opportunities Across Market Cycles And The Capital Structure
Michael Halling and his co-autors Jin Yu & Josef Zechner's paper on "Primary Corporate Bond Markets and Social Responsibility" find that better overall ES performance leads to lower bond yields – even...
Peter Englund proposes radical changes in housing taxes in new SNS Report
Peter Englund in Di about housing taxes
Peter Englund in a new debate article in Swedish Newpaper SVD
Small investors have pushed big companies toward social change. A new SEC rule will limit their influence
Professor Mariassunta Giannetti referenced on the Washington Post with her and with Nickolay Gantchev paper "The Costs and Benefits of Shareholder Democracy: Gadflies and Low-Cost Activism"
Gabriel Urwitz and Per Strömberg criticize new EU Commission proposal in DI
Bo Becker interviewed by Swedish Radio Ekonomiekot Extra on why bank branches are disappearing, and what the consequences are (in Swedish)
Roine Vestman appointed member of the Board of the Seventh AP Fund (AP7) by The Swedish government
Per Strömberg recently commented in Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) on the importance of responsible investing
The Price of Stocks and the Effect of the Corona-crisis on Pensions
The rate of media attention paid on individual stocks has a powerful impact on the number of small-scale investors who choose to invest in the stock, Professor Terrance Odean said in connection with...