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7th national Phd Workshop in Finance (w/o Call for Papers)
The Swedish House of Finance will organize the 7th workshop for PhD students in Finance on November 12-13, in Stockholm.
Outstanding pedagogical achievements
Congratulations Riccardo Sabbatucci for receiving an award for ”Outstanding Pedagogical Achievements” at the Stockholm School of Economics.
Grant from Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation
We gratefully acknowledge a generous contribution of 12 MSEK from Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation to our National Financial Research Data Center.
Marieke Bos commenting FSA report on consumer credit
The Swedish FSA (Finansinspektionen) recently released a report on the Swedish market for consumer credit. Swedish House of Finance researcher Marieke Bos commented on the report and contributed with...
Economic Principals
Read the report by David Warsh of the Economic Principals blog, from the Nobel Symposium here. Find the filmed presentations and slides from the Nobel Symposium on the Link to conference site, under...
Videos and media from the Nobel Symposium
Thank you to everyone who presented, commented, discussed and listened to the great presentations during the Nobel Symposium on Money & Banking, 26 – 28 May in Stockholm.
What Do Mutual Fund Managers’ Private Portfolios Tell Us about Their Skills?
New research by PhD-student Markus Ibert show that fund managers that invest their personal wealth in the very same funds they manage consistently outperform. The managers who invest a lot in their...
Bo Becker appointed member of the group investigating a possible Swedish membership of the European banking union
Alexander Ljungqvist appointed to the Stefan Persson Family Chair in Entrepreneurial Finance
Alexander Ljungqvist, an internationally renowned professor specializing in corporate finance, entrepreneurship, and capital markets research, has been recruited to the Stockholm School of Economics...
Welcome Olga Obizhaeva and Jan Starmans
We are very happy to announce that Olga Obizhaeva and Jan Starmans will join Swedish House of Finance on August 1, 2018.