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SIFR conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Kathryn Kaminski featured in several podcasts for the CME Group’s Managed Futures Podcast Series
Who Are the Value and Growth Investors?
Sebastian Betemier (McGill), Paolo Sodini (SSE), and Laurent Calvet (HEC Paris) will present their research in the NBER Summer Institute Program in Cambridge, MA in July.
Participation at the EFA Meeting in August
Mariassunta Giannetti, Jungsuk Han, Roine Vestman, Magnus Dahlquist, and Daniel Metzger are presenting and discussing.
Combatting the Debt Addiction
On May 22nd, joint with Global Utmaning, SIFR hosted an event on “Combatting the Debt Addiction.” Lord Adair Turner, former head of the FSA, and Anders Borg, the Swedish finance minister, spoke on the...
Discussing Short Selling ETFs
Kathryn Kaminski (SIFR) and Valeri Sokolovski contribute a thought piece on ETFs for Eurex’s institutional insights newsletter. The piece also highlights the research work by Egle Karmaziene and...
Mariassunta Giannetti is Awarded the 2013 Assar Lindbeck Medal
The 2013 Assar Lindbeck Medal was awarded to Professor Mariassunta Giannetti. The prize is awarded every other year to a young researcher who has substantially contributed to the field of economics.
European Conference on Household Finance in Stockholm
September 12-13, 2014. Call for Papers Household Finance Conference
New grant to Per Strömberg
Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien har beslutat tilldela Per Strömberg vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm Torsten och Ragnar Söderbergs professur i ekonomi 2014. Anslagen uppgår till sammanlagt 8 miljoner...
Don’t miss IFL Executive Education’s podcast with Professor Per Strömberg, who explains the theory behind the prize