Research in the spotlight
Explore the latest research from the Swedish House of Finance.
Peter Englund – a housing professor with his heart in policy
As he joins the ranks of professor emeritus, Peter Englund can look back on a long and successful academic career. Motivated by a strong political interest, much of his work has focused on...
Magnus Dahlquist, a leader with a passion for frontier research
A visit to a top university in the US made Magnus Dahlquist change his career plans – and turn towards research. Over the past twenty years he’s been part of building an international, world class...
Do Swedish banks’ liquidity risks threaten financial stability?
The major Swedish banks’ liquidity risks should be reduced in order to ensure financial stability, states the Riksbank in a new report. For some time, the Riksbank has been concerned that the major...
Low interest rates and pension promises a threat to government stability
Low interest rates are good for borrowers. That’s a common statement, but not entirely true. For pension sponsors falling interest rates can be a huge problem – and even lead to bankruptcy. Professor...
Video: Nobel laureates visited Swedish House of Finance
Why be short termist, if the long term consequences of that strategy is priced into the market? And are corporate raiders good for shareholders? Those were two of the issues discussed when Nobel...
"It took hundreds of years to create money that was traded at par"
At the time of the first financial crises, there was no central bank and the value of a bank note could not be taken for granted."It took hundreds of years to create a coin that was traded at par",...
Female executives in finance more likely to leave employer than in any other industry
Sweden and Norway have the highest representation of women on Executive Committees globally according to the Oliver Wyman report Women in Financial Services 2016. However, global data shows that women...
From Swedish House of Finance to China – PhD starts course in big data
A recent PhD från Stockholm School of Economics, Tomas Thörnquist is leaving the Swedish House of Finance for an appointment as research assistant professor at HKUST Business School, China.
"The people are the most important at Swedish House of Finance"
After getting her PhD from Stockholm School of Economics, Egle Karmaziene has left Swedish House of Finance for the Netherlands – to work as assistant professor at the University of Groningen.
The Future of the EU and the EMU
What does Brexit mean for Europe - and what future reforms await the European Monetary Union?