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Brown bag seminar | Pigovian income taxation

2023-11-21, 12:00 - 13:00
Welcome to the next SITE brown bag seminar! On 21 November, Prof. Lassi Ahlvik from University of Helsinki will present and discuss his working paper entitled "Pigovian income taxation" at SSE . In pursuit of equitable solutions for externalities, Prof, Ahlvik and co-authors propose a model linking income and Pigouvian taxes.

20th Alumni Reunion 2023

2023-11-17, 17:00 - 2023-11-18, 00:00
Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled. We will host a joint 20th alumni reunion in 2024 for those who enrolled in 2003 and 2004 instead.

NHL & SHL Business Forum

2023-11-15, 16:30 - 21:00
The NHL & SHL Business Forum is co-organized by the Center for Sports & Business at the Stockholm School of Economics in collaboration with the Swedish Hockey League (SHL) and the National Hockey League (NHL). Welcome to the fall's biggest sports event held at SSE!

European Quant Marketing Workshop

2023-11-15, 15:00 - 16:30
Meta-Analysis in Marketing: A Brief Introduction and an Illustrative Example, with Tammo Bijmolt, Professor in Marketing Research, University of Groningen.