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Seminar in Economics | An Adaptive Targeted Field Experiment: Job Search Assistance for Refugees in Jordan with Alex Teytelboym

2022-02-02, 15:30 - 16:45
Department of Economics welcomes you to a seminar with Alex Teytelboym, University of Oxford, presenting "An Adaptive Targeted Field Experiment: Job Search Assistance for Refugees in Jordan". We examine the impact of three interventions designed to improve formal employment outcomes of Syrian refugees and local jobseekers in Jordan: one treatment to address liquidity constraints, one to address information frictions, and one to address challenges of self-control. Our Tempered Thompson Algorithm balances the goals of maximizing the precision of treatment effect estimates and maximizing the welfare of experimental participants.

Seminar in Economics | Firm Heterogeneity and the Impact of Payroll Taxes with Daniel Prinz

2022-01-26, 15:30 - 16:45
Department of Economics welcomes you to a seminar with Daniel Prinz, Institute for Fiscal Studies, presenting "Firm Heterogeneity and the Impact of Payroll Taxes." We study the impact of a large payroll tax cut for both younger and older workers in Hungary. The results point to important heterogeneity in the incidence of payroll tax subsidies by firm type and highlight that payroll taxes can change the composition of jobs in the labor market.

Finansiering av hållbara städer: vilken roll spelar privat kapital?

2022-01-26, 12:15 - 13:30
Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) och Cleantech Scandinavia lanserar i detta seminarium en ny forskningsrapport som diskuterar det privata kapitalets roll för att finansiera hållbara städer, med fokus på svenska kommuner.

Seminar in Economics | Are Chemists Good Bankers? with Dita Eckardt, University of Warwick

2022-01-19, 15:30 - 16:15
Department of Economics welcomes you to a seminar with Dita Eckardt, University of Warwick, presenting "Are Chemists Good Bankers? Returns to the Match between Training and Occupation". Dita analyzes the returns to training-occupation combinations using administrative panel data on apprenticeships and employment for German workers, and identifies the returns using data on occupation-specific vacancies.

AOM mid-winter meeting - 19-25 Jan 2022

2022-01-19, 14:00 - 2022-01-25, 19:00
The House of Innovation hosted the Mid-Winter Meeting for the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management January 19th-25th 2022

Brown Bag Seminar | Reputation on Networks

2022-01-17, 12:05 - 13:00
Welcome to Brown Bag Webinar in Economics organized by the Department of Economics, SSE. Seminar guest is David Jackson of Stockholm University. David presents a network model of reputation which investigates how a reputation system can regulate opportunism and facilitate trust in low frequency or one-off transactions beyond an agent’s immediate network. The setup focuses on how the network facilitates access to transaction opportunities and determines the distribution of reputational information.

Seminar in Economics | The Human Side of Structural Transformation with Federico Rossi, University of Warwick

2021-12-15, 15:30 - 16:45
Department of Economics welcomes you to a seminar with Federico Rossi, University of Warwick, presenting "The Human Side of Structural Transformation". We document that nearly half of the global decline in agricultural employment during the 20th-century was driven by new cohorts entering the labor market. Through the lens of a model of frictional labor reallocation, we conclude that human capital growth, both as a mediating factor and as an independent driver, led to a sharp decline in the agricultural labor supply.