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Valuation arbitrage, destigmatization and black metal - 21 Oct 2020

2020-10-21, 11:30 - 13:00
House of Innovation and the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship welcomed the research community and students to a seminar with Stoyan Sgourev, Professor at ESSEC Business School. He will present a paper entitled "Betting on Black (Metal): Valuation Arbitrage in Destigmatization".

Design meets business - creating a new kind of leadership - 29 Sept 2020

2020-09-29, 08:30 - 10:00
Join us for a conversation between Michael Treschow and SSE professor Mattia Bianchi, about the role that design has in shaping today’s businesses, its great potential in innovation, creativity and problem solving, its impact in forging new leadership models, and the need to support upcoming design thinkers through the Michael Treschow Scholarship.

Webinar | Coronakrisen: geopolitiska konsekvenser

2020-06-01, 11:00 - 12:00
COVID-19 lamslår ekonomier och hotar folkhälsan i land efter land. Vilka globala politiska och ekonomiska maktförskjutningar ger coronapandemin upphov till? Hur påverkas utvecklingen av agerandet i USA, Kina, Ryssland respektive EU? Vilken roll spelar det internationella samfundet? Hur kan fattiga länder komma att drabbas?