Art/Sport talk: Wrestling My Case
Welcome to this art/sport talk with professional wrestler Fabian Puregger and curator Ashik Zaman about professional wrestling, art and sport. What is real and what is fake is a question frequently discussed in art - but not so much in sport.
2023-04-17 at 12:15
2023-04-17 at 13:00
The Jacob Dahlgren Room
Fabian Puregger wrestling.
The conversation will take its starting point in the meeting between sport and art in professional wrestling. It will raise questions about low culture and fine culture - and why activities and things are placed in one of these boxes. American professional wrestling is a popular cultural phenomenon and a derivation from wrestling that leaves the purely sporting for an entertainment form that constitutes theatrical acrobatic wrestling. Pro wrestling actually includes artistic expressions such as storytelling, performance, costume and one can look at it as an art form in itself. But is it too close to stage and theater to be seen in sports as sport, and too commercial and close to entertainment to be seen as art?
Fabian Puregger is a professional wrestler and theCEO of
Ashik Zaman is the founder, editor-in-chief and curator of the art publication and nomadic exhibition platform C-print which celebrates its tenth year in 2023. He holds the position as curator at Konstnärshuset in Stockholm and is a board member of the Swedish Arts Grants Committee.
Lennart Asensio Nitz from Sport Initiative and Tinni Ernsjöö Rappe from Art Initiative will also take part in the discussion. And the audience too - we hope!
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