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CFR Research Seminar with Charles & Stephanie Noble (University of Tennessee)

The Center for Retailing at the Stockholm School of Economics is pleased to invite interested academics and practitioners to a Research Seminar on "Publishing Tips and Tricks from the Experts"

The Center for Retailing at the Stockholm School of Economics is pleased to invite interested academics and practitioners to a Research Seminar on:

"Publishing Tips and Tricks from the Experts"
with Stephanie and Charles Noble
(Incoming Editors of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science)

This seminar is part of the Center for Retailing's Visiting Researcher Program, generously funded by the Hakon Swenson Stiftelsen.

Please register for the seminar here (In person or via Zoom)

General questions
E-mail: wiley.wakeman@hhs.se

Alexander Mafael
Aylin Cakanlar

Wiley Wakeman

About the seminar

In this combination of presentation, informal talk, and Q&A the incoming editors of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Stephanie Noble and Charles Noble will talk about the focus and direction of JAMS as an outlet for marketing related research, as well as the tips and tricks they have acquired during their extensive experience publishing, reviewing, and editing papers in their careers. We will start with an introduction from the incoming editors focused on JAMS, but will then open up to a “fireside chat” (minus the fire) where the will answer questions from moderators and audience members.

About the speakers

Stephanie Noble.png
Stephanie Noble
is the Proffitt’s Professor of Marketing and William B. Stokely Faculty Research Fellow in the Marketing Department at the University of Tennessee. Her primary research interests involve customer experience management in retail and service settings. She has published in several top journals including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, MIT Sloan Management Review, Harvard Business Review and many other outlets. Stephanie is incoming co-Editor of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and on the editorial board for Journal of Retailing, and is past Co-Editor for the Journal of Service Research.

Charles H. Noble is currently the Jerry and Kay Henry Professor of Business and the Roy and Audrey Fancher Faculty Research Fellow at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business. Previously, he served as associate dean for research and faculty at Haslam and was on the faculties of Boston College and the University of Mississippi. His research interests focus generally on design and development processes, as applied to both products and services. He has published in many leading journals, including the Journal of Marketing, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and many others. Charles is the incoming co-Editor of the Journal of Academy of Marketing Science.

Previous visitors

Kate White (University of British Columbia)
Stefano Puntoni (The University of Pennsylvania)
Joyce Liu (City, University of London)
Hannes Datta (University of Tilburg)
Remi Trudel (Boston University)

The Center for Retailing Visiting Researcher Program (CFR VRP) aims to attract world-leading researchers to Sweden to disseminate, communicate and produce (retail) knowledge at the frontier.

Map to CFR

CFR Retail Seminar Workshop Research seminar