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Brown Bag seminar | Heterogeneous Impacts of Schools Fee Elimination in Tanzania: Gender and Colonial Infrastructure

Welcome to the Brown Bag Seminar in Economics organized by the Department of Economics, SSE. The seminar speaker is Pedro Guimarães Naso, Henan University, presenting "Heterogeneous Impacts of Schools Fee Elimination in Tanzania: Gender and Colonial Infrastructure". We investigate the impacts of the 2002 elimination of primary school fees in Tanzania. We explore how the magnitude of these effects depends on differences in gender and colonial investment in educational infrastructure.

The seminar speaker is Pedro Naso, Henan University, who will present "Heterogeneous Impacts of Schools Fee Elimination in Tanzania: Gender and Colonial Infrastructure"


We investigate the impacts of the 2002 elimination of primary school fees in Tanzania. We explore how the magnitude of these effects depends on differences in gender and colonial investment in educational infrastructure. We use 2002 and 2012 census waves as well as historical information on the location of schools in the late 1940s, to conduct a diff-in-diffs analysis. Our results show that exposure to an average of 1.7 years of free primary education reduces the proportion of people who never attended school by 6.8 percentage points. The benefits of fee removal have been significantly larger for females as compared to males, and females from districts where the size of investments in education was larger during colonial rule are the greatest beneficiaries. 

Pedro Guimarães Naso is Assistant Professor of Economics at the School of Economics, Henan University in China. He was a visiting researcher at Stockholm University in Fall 2021. Pedro's research focuses on Development Economics and Environmental Economics, using theoretical and econometric models to examine the impact of institutional changes on socioeconomic outcomes.

The seminar is online via Zoom.

Please contact kristen.pendleton@hhs.se for the webinar link or if you have questions.

Dept. of Economics Development Gender Education Economics Lunch seminar Brown bag