Workshop | The economics of sustainable transport
We are delighted to invite you to our workshop on the "Economics of Sustainable Transport." In this workshop, we will explore the intricate relationship between transportation and the environment. The theme of the workshop is broad, and we welcome paper submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: distributional effects of fuel taxation, air pollution, emission reductions, congestion charges, electric vehicle adoption, tax incidence, and aviation decarbonization.
Interested in presenting your research on transport at the workshop? Submit your paper to by October 27.
Just like last year (The Economics of Air Pollution), the workshop will consists of two elements: (1) a session with paper presentations, and (2) keynote speeches from invited experts in the field. The workshop will thus provide presentations of the latest research and guidance on the future of the field to economists interested in doing their own research on the topic.
Keynote speakers
Thomas Sterner (University of Gothenburg)
Thomas is professor of environmental economics at the University of Gothenburg. His research is focused on the design of environmental policy instruments, and he has published more than 100 academic articles. Recent research focuses on issues of acceptability of policy instruments, their distributional effects, and ways of making efficient instruments such as taxes more acceptable by refunding or using revenues constructively.
Ulrike Kornek (Kiel University)
Ulrike serves as a professor of environmental and resource economics at Kiel University, Germany. Her research interests are in international climate change economics, where she analyzes the design of institution to mitigate climate change, in particular optimal carbon prices, in theoretical and numerical models. Prior to her tenure at Kiel University, she led the Governance group at MCC Berlin.
Registration & program
Please proceed with your registration via the Trippus platform by clicking the following link (see here). To see the program please click in the following link (see here).
If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact
Photo: Avigator Fortuner, Shutterstock