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New research project on the role of the Chair of the Board

New research project led by Ingalill Holmberg, on the role of the Chair of the Board for firm performance and value creation.

Swedish business need companies that can create profitability, renewal and sustainable business in global competition. In recent years, these eligibility requirements have been combined with expectations of transparency, responsibility and the ability to transform digitalization into a competitive advantage. With the increased competitive pressure, the role of the Board has become an issue of vital importance. A review of Swedish and international business magazines shows that the work of the Board is undergoing a major change and that expectations regarding external monitoring and strategic renewal are paired with requirements on skills development and the revitalization of working methods. The prime focus of this study is on the role of the Chairperson for firm performance and value creation. The empirical data covers the unique material of the award the Golden Gavel, instituted by Stiftelsen Guldklubban in 2005. 

Collaborating partners: Styrelseakademien, Sverige and Stiftelsen Guldklubban. The project is funded by VINNOVA. Project leader: Professor Ingalill Holmberg