Leading academic researchers discuss NGO:s
21 juni, 2018
On June 19-20, SITE and the N.G.O. Network jointly organized this year’s edition of the annual N.G.O. Workshop. Leading academic researchers from both European and North American universities were gathered to discuss different issues related to the organizational and contractual aspects of the provision of public goods and services by NGOs. The two-day workshop featured both empirical and theoretical research findings, as well as many interesting and rewarding discussions.
Speakers on June 19
- Emmanuelle Auriol, Toulouse School of Economics. “God insures those who pay? Formal insurance and religious offerings in Ghana.”
- Friederike Lenel, Universität Göttingen. “Insurance and Solidarity: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Cambodia”
- Chloé Le Coq, SITE, Stockholm School of Economics. “How Do Social Entrepreneurs Respond to Rewards? A Field Experiment on Motivations”
- Anna Tompsett, Stockholm University. "How does delegating decisions to beneficiaries affect public service provision? Evidence from a field experiment in Bangladesh"
- Dan-Olof Rooth, SOFI, Stockholm University. “Does Integration Change Gender Attitudes? The Effect of Randomly Assigning Women to Traditionally Male Teams”
- Pamina Koenig, Paris School of Economics. “The trade effects of the Rana Plaza Collapse”
- Avner Seror, Paris School of Economics. "Parental Rearing Practices, Cultural Transmission and Cognitive Development"
- Erik Grönqvist, Uppsala University. “Assortative Mating and Inequality”
Speakers on June 20
- Marta Troya Martinez, New Economic School. "Managing Relational Contracts”
- François Libois, Paris School of Economics. "NGOs as commitment device for bad governments"
- Marco Marini, University of Rome « La Sapienza ». “Strategic delegation in NGOs”
- Konrad Burchardi, IIES, Stockholm University. “Moral Hazard: Experimental Evidence from Tenancy Contracts”
- Paul Maarek, University of Cergy-Pontoise. "Ethnic Favoritism: Winner Takes All or Power Sharing? Evidence from school constructions in Benin"
- Lisa Bagnoli, ECARES. “Does national health insurance improve children’s health? National and regional evidence from Ghana”
Interested in finding out more about previously arranged N.G.O. Workshops? Visit the N.G.O. Network's website.