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The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics invites applications for tenure-track positions at the assistant and associate professor level.

The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) is an independent research institute at the Stockholm School of Economics. Established in 1989, SITE has become a leading research and policy centre on economic development in low- and middle-income countries, with a particular emphasis on transition in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe.


SITE invites applications for tenure-track positions at the assistant and associate professor level. We welcome candidates with excellent backgrounds in all fields but put a premium on a verifiable interest in issues of particular concern for these countries. Employment starts on August 1, 2020, and candidates should expect to complete their Ph.D. by end of June 2020. Salaries will be determined individually, but levels are internationally competitive. Positions are subject to budget approval. We will interview candidates at the AEA Annual Meetings in San Diego in January 2020.


To be considered, if you are attending the meetings in San Diego, please upload your curriculum vitae, a detailed publication record, 3 letters of recommendation, and a copy of your job-market paper at Job Openings for Economist.

If you are not attending the meetings, there is a possibility to be interviewed at SITE, in Stockholm. If so, please send the same material to Dominick Nilsson at Dominick.Nilsson@hhs.se. Make sure to submit your application by December 01, 2019.

For more information about who we are and what we do, please visit ABOUT US-section and the FREE network website.