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Mattia Bianchi appointed professor at the Stockholm School of Economics

Mattia Bianchi has been appointed Professor of Business Administration, especially Innovation Management by the Board of Directors of the Stockholm School of Economics.

Mattia Bianchi is a highly reputable scholar in innovation and new product development, with a special focus on open innovation, lean and agile management and design thinking. At the Stockholm School of Economics he teaches innovation, entrepreneurship and operations management at the Master level and on our executive education programs. Between 2014 and 2018, he has also been the director of the Master Program in Business and Management.

Photo: Juliana Wiklund

"It's an incredible honor to be appointed Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics. It's a lifetime achievement for which I worked hard during my professional career so far, but it is also a stimulus to keep on enhancing my contribution to this school, to our students, to the research community and to the society as a whole", says Mattia Bianchi.

Mattia Bianchi's research investigates the factors that allow organizations to be both creative and efficient in their innovation initiatives. His research examines to what extent and how today's popular innovation management frameworks, such open innovation, agile, lean start-up and design thinking, overcome the recurring syndromes that cause many innovation projects and new ventures to fail. These pathologies include scope creep (projects growing in size and complexity in an uncontrolled way), firefighting (developers working in a chaotic way to solve unanticipated problems that appear late in a project) and overdesign (loading a new product with features and capabilities that customers don't care about). Though irrational, this "overdosed management" is hard to escape because of the high uncertainty and ambiguity that is typical in innovation settings.

Mattia's research has been published in leading scientific journals such as the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Technovation and R&D Management.

Mattia Bianchi obtained his PhD at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Mattia joined the Stockholm School of Economics in 2010 and received tenure in 2015. During his time at the Stockholm School of Economics, he has been named Corporate Partnership Program's Research Award winner in 2015 and MSc Teacher of the Year in 2018.

For further information, please contact:
Mattia Bianchi, Professor at the House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics
Email: mattia.bianchi@hhs.se
Phone: + 46 8 736 9508