Cederberg, Emilia
Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets
Emilia Cederberg's current research projects revolve around various topics on sustainability and quantified accounts, with empirical foci such as carbon accounting, ESG, climate risk and consumption-based GHG emissions.
She currently teaches consolidated financial statements/M&A as well as non-financial performance analysis (primarily carbon accounting) in the bachelor programme level. She also advises theses on bachelor and master level.
Her PhD, entitled "The Ins and Outs of ESG. A study on the spatialities of accounting change" (2019) was awarded the Oskar Sillén Prize for best dissertation in business administration in Sweden, as well as a Wallander scholarship.
The study, which was financed by the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets and formed part of Mistra Financial Systems, explored the practice of environmental, social and governance (ESG) analysis within Nordic asset manager organizations. Methodologically, it combined interviews and observations, and theoretically the study was situated within socio-material studies of accounting.
She currently serves on the editorial board of the Social and Environmental Accountability Journal (SEAJ).
She previously worked as an analyst at Sustainalytics in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Academic publications
Döbbe, F., and Cederberg, E. (forthcoming). “Do Something Simple for the Climate”: How Collective Counter-Conduct Reproduces Consumer Responsibilization. Journal of Business Ethics.
Vollmer, H., Ahblom, P., and Cederberg, E. (forthcoming). Where the value is: accounting and the spatialisation of worth. In Krüger, Anne K.; Peetz, Thorsten; Schäfer, Hilmar (Eds.) (2023): Routledge International Handbook of Valuation and Society; London, New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
Schrøder, I., Cederberg, E., & Hauge, A. M. (2022). What is good work in a hybrid organization? On the efforts of sequencing registers of valuation. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 35(3), 917-949.
Cederberg, E. (2019). The Ins and Outs of ESG. A Study on the Spatialities of Accounting Change. (Doctoral dissertation, Stockholm School of Economics). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29226.13768