Thorsell, Håkan
Affiliated Researcher
Department of Accounting
Department of Accounting
My research interests include:
- asset pricing,
- valuation of distressed assets,
- corporate bond pricing,
- capital structure issues,
- portfolio choice, and
- pension liability issues.
I am grateful for comments on my papers under "My Links:".
Thorsell, H. (2011), Private equity och kontrollen över de finansiella resurserna, in Benson, Lind, Sjögren & Wijkström (red.), Morgondagens industri, Stockholm: SIR.
Thorsell, H. (2011), Returns to defaulted corporate bonds, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 8, Issue 1, 168-185
Thorsell, H. (2008), Kapitalstruktur och aktieägarvärde - svenska företag då och nu, in Jennergren, Lind, Schuster & Skogsvik (red.), Redovisning i fokus, Stockholm: EFI.
Thorsell, H. (2008), The Pricing of Corporate Bonds and Determinants of Financial Structure, PhD thesis, Stockholm School of Economics.