Velásquez, Paolo
SSE Institute for Research (SIR)
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Center on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford, and at the Center for Responsible Leadership (CRL), Stockholm School of Economics.
My research interests mostly deal with prejudice, stigma, and the integration and inclusion of migrants in the labor market and society. I am also interested in the history of the social sciences.
Current Projects:
MERITA: Migrants’ integration in EU countries: for a selected few only?
The construction of the employable migrant
Recent publications:
- Velásquez, P. (2024). Does educational attainment matter for attitudes toward immigrants in Chile? Assessing the causality and generalizability of higher education's so-called “liberalizing effect” on economic and cultural threat. The British Journal of Sociology
- Eger, M.A., Hjerm, M., and Velásquez, P. (2024). Unpacking the liberalizing potential of higher education: an analysis of academic majors, anti-Black prejudice, and opposition to immigration. Ethnic and Racial Studies
Velásquez, P. (2023). Education and Inter-ethnic attitudes among recent immigrants in the Netherlands. Journal of International Migration and Integration
Velásquez, P., and Eger, M.A. (2022). Does higher education have a liberalizing or inoculating effect? A panel study of anti-immigrant sentiment before, during, and after the European migration crisis. European Sociological Review
Velásquez, P. (2022). A Forgotten Figure: Hans L. Zetterberg at Columbia and the transfer of knowledge between the United States and Sweden. The American Sociologist