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Giving through share dividend

As a private individual and owner of shares you can transfer the rights to future share dividends to SSE

This applies to shares of stock market-listed companies as well as unlisted companies and private partnerships. The value of the donation you make to support Stockholm School of Economics in this way is larger than the amount you would have received had you been the beneficiary of the dividend, as tax on dividends issued by stock market-listed companies in Sweden is 30%.

Legal entities (companies etc) may not transfer the rights to dividends on a tax-free basis.

Practical information

Decide on which share or shares you would like to donate the dividend and how much of the dividend you would like to donate. Your bank in Sweden can help you with this by opening a VP account on your behalf and making the beneficiary of the dividend Stockholm School of Economics.

It is important that you state Stockholm School of Economics as the beneficiary of the share dividend at the latest one week before the record date.

If you have a VP account with a Swedish bank you can fill, complete this form (in Swedish) with the information required and send it to your bank.

For more information

Please contact us by emailing alumni@hhs.se if you would like more information.