Research seminar | GenAI at work - 12 Mar 2025
Paper title and abstract
GenAI at work
Abstract: Marleen Huysman will present her latest research grant on GenAI@Work; studying the impacts of generative AI on Knowledge work, Management and Organizations. She will provide some early research findings including the research on GenAI among graphic designers, and the consortium’s focus on the ripple effect of GenAI’s use for the organizational social fabric.
About Marleen Huysman
Professor Marleen Huysman is director of the KIN Center for Digital Innovation​ at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and is head of the Department of Knowledge, Information and Innovation. She is also the Erling Persson Visiting Professor at the House of Innovation. Marleen studied Sociology at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and has a PhD in Business Economics on the topic of Organizational Learning and IT at the VU University. Marleen has been an assistant professor at the Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, TU Delft and associate professor of Business Administration at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Since 2006 Marleen holds a chair in Knowledge and Organization at the School of Business and Economics. Marleen has been visiting scholar during her PhD at Stanford and in 2000-2001 she was a visiting scholar at the Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) group at Harvard Business School. Marleen conducts research in the following overlapping fields of research, all related to the development and use of digital innovation: new ways of working, technology in practice, knowledge sharing, - coordinating, development and integration. Her research has been published in various international journals and books and is a frequent speaker at academic and professional meeting in the field.