Art initiative video archive
Lars Arrenhius' video artwork Handels for Future! is a playful yet serious portrait of the Stockholm School of Economics, showing the School's relationship to the environment and sustainability, an issue Lars Arrhenius was deeply engaged in.
Ylva Snöfrid, Ylva Snöfrid is interviewed by Pierre Guillet de Monthoux on the making of four paintings which are now part of SSE's permanent collection. The work was done as a performance ritual on site and inaugurated with a special ceremony in the Atrium.
Philosopher Erik Bordeleau, affiliated to the school´s Center for Arts, Business & Culture, reflects on Maria Miesenberger's sculpture Leap of Faith (Getting Over) in the Atrium at SSE.
SSE President Lars Strannegård presents Leap of Faith by artist Maria Miesenberger. A bronze sculpture that in many ways symbolizes SSE's educational mission.
Art Talk and studio visit with the artist Hanna Ljungh, 24 March 2020. Hanna shows us around her studio and talks about the film "I am mountain, to measure impermanence".
Iris Smeds talks to Art Initiative´s Tinni Rappe about her video work “Surreal Strategies to Apply on a Disillusioned Landscape”. The art talk was recorded Wednesday 15 April 2020.
Athena Farrokhzad is a poet, playwright, translator and teacher of creative writing at Biskops Arnö. She has written three poetry books, "Vitsvit", "Trado" (together with Svetlana Cârstean) and "I rörelse". Interview: Tinni Ernsjöö Rappe. Team: Clara Lindström, Anna Harding, Velitchko Velichkov and Felix Fagergren. Portrait of Athena Farrokhzad by Carla Orrego Veliz.
Hur kan konst öppna upp för diskussioner om gränser, ekonomi och privilegier? Handelshögskolans Emma Stenström och Jessica Backsell visar några av skolans konstverk och berättar hur de används i undervisningen. Inspelat den 18 maj 2020
UR Samtiden: När konst och ekonomi möts på Handelshögskolan
Pierre Guillet de Monthoux, professor at SSE explains how capitalism and art can learn from one another. Recorded at Historiska museet in Stockholm, November 4, 2020. Organizer: Sveriges ekonomiska museum - Kungliga myntkabinettet. (In Swedish)