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Literary Agenda

The Literary Agenda has for six years given SSE students the opportunity to participate in book circles and author’s talks led by faculty, staff and PhD students. We read seven selected books a year. The aim is to promote self-reflection, empathy and cultural literacy among students.

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The reading list for 2024/2025.

Here is the deal:
We read seven books a year, selected by an advisory board of authors, publishers and our president. We divide the signed up students into groups of ten and give them a circle leader from faculty or staff. Then it´s up to the groups to decide on when and where to meet. 

Each member of the initiative receives all the books for free (they can be picked up in the SSE library) and are provided free meals/fika (from the cafeteria) for the book circle discussions. 

All students who read and discuss 5 out of 7 books in the Literary Agenda and hand in a reflection paper (we give out questions to answer), will get the Literary Agenda in their degree certificate under Formal Extracurricular Activities.

More than 1 800 students, doctoral students, faculty and staff have been part of the first six years of the Literary Agenda.

Sign up to the Literary Agenda:

(only open for SSE:ers)

Sign up for students - to Literary Agenda 2024/2025

Sign up for circle leaders (SSE faculty or staff) - to Literary Agenda 2024/2025

The initiative is financed by the Hamrin Foundation.

Would you like to know more about the Literary Agenda?
Please feel free to contact Tinni Ernsjöö Rappe, director Art Initiative and Literary Agenda.

Reading list 2024/2025

Jessica Au, Cold Enough for Snow/Kallt nog för snö

Hernan Diaz, Trust/Egendom

Damon Galgut, In a Strange Room/I ett främmande rum

Claire Keegan, Small Things Like These/Små ting som dessa

Leila Mottley, Nightcrawling/Nattvarelser

Cecile Pin, Wandering Souls/Vandrande själar

Ingvild H. Rishøi, Brightly Shining/Stargate: en julberättelse


Student Klas on being a member of the Literary Agenda



SSE Student Book Reviews