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GDPR at the Bachelor Graduation

Please read through the data protection information below, to take part find out how we handle your contact information, any food allergies, and photos that you may appear in.

The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) takes individuals personal integrity very seriously and we have a strong focus on protecting the data that we process about you so that you can feel safe with how we handle the information. It is therefore SSE’s ambition to be transparent about how we process personal data and why we do it. 

Contact information  

The contact details you provide in this form will primarily be used to communicate information regarding the Graduation with you. Secondarily, the contact details will be stored by the SSE Alumni Office, in order to keep in touch with you on your Alumni journey and communicate to you through newsletters, invite you to seminars and reunions, and much more. Read more about SSE process your personal data here. If you do not wish the SSE Alumni Office to store your contact details, please contact alumni@hhs.se.  

Photos and recordings  

The graduation ceremony on November 11, 2023 will be livestreamed, filmed, and photos and audio will be recorded during theentireevent and may be made available, partly or in full, on the channels of SSE. The recordings are to be shared with participants/graduates and their family and friends for the memory. It may also be used by SSE for promotional purposes 

By joining the event, you automatically consent to be recorded and photographed. If you do not consent, please discuss your concerns with the Ceremonial team by sending an email to bachelorgraduation@hhs.se.  

Food allergies/restrictions  

If you provide any food restrictions in this form; the information will be shared with restaurant provider in Stockholm City Hall. After the event, such information will be deleted.  

Please also visit https://www.hhs.se/gdpr